Specialists in building custom sukkahs
for over half a century!
Wall Panels
We can build you a rolling sukkah roof awning to protect your sukkah or we can add wall panels to your awning to turn it into a sukkah, creating a temporary retreat from inclement weather and pests. Adding wall panels is a tidy solution that enables you to quickly enclose the space; come Sukkot your sukkah is waiting for you to simply drop its walls and zip them into place. Instant sukkah, just say Dean.
Check the "Use & Care" page to see how easy our wall panels are to use and store away.

Printed Wall Panels
Khalishing for a more inspiring scene this new year? Want your festivities to be a little extra geshmak? Whether you're looking to make the space feel bigger or just want a more relaxing ambiance, we offer custom printed wall panels to add extra special appeal.
Keeping your every measurement in mind, we offer the ultimate customization for unique Sukkot celebrations. If you can find the picture on Shutterstock, we can have our print team create wall panels printed with your image in a way that fits the shape and size of your space.*
*Please try to keep the dimensions of your sukkah in mind when looking for your ideal picture.

Not sure where to start? We've taken some time to gather together a collection of beautiful landscapes from Shutterstock. If you don't see what you want, just search through Shutterstock's collection until you find the right fit. Whatever image you choose, just take note of its number so that you can share it with us when it comes time to order.